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The Sidhe Queen

Having technically completed their mission, Kane and his friends should be free to return to the Citadel and resume their places in the Child Guard. But something about the Aurian Academy doesn't sit right with Kane, and he's determined to see his charge, Cahaya, safe and well despite the scientific experimentation being performed on her.


When tragedy strikes and the whole world turns upside down, Kane must flee to find answers, but who can he trust? Those he trained alongside, who want to keep him grounded in the traditions of the Citadel, or those who are determined to forge a path of their own out in the wilderness?

He soon finds himself making decisions he never thought he would have to make, decisions which lead him and his friends closer and closer to the deadliest place of all - the Forest of Ciaradh, home of the Sidhe.


Cover art by David Enriquez


The Sidhe Queen is now available on Kindle and in paperback!



The Sidhe Queen: Recent Books


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